

Below is a list of true officers of thy law who follow thy word of are lord and saviour Tommy Parky, they r highly respected and will b instrumental in thy stabilization of UTube and the ushering in of a new era of prosperity for thy officers and innocent citizens of UTube.


ReturnOfEliteSwatDivision - An officer loyal 2 thy word of Tommy Parky since 2018, he has returned 2 stop all trolls once again and destroy all rogue officers and false leaders, considered by Tommy 2 b one of his closest officers. Hated by thy evil Anime Sucks (Hyperbat Mapping) he shows no loyalty to thy "new order".


OfficerSlappy - Direct opposition 2 Anime Sucks, active in thy law since 2018 he made a return in thy middle of 2024 in order 2 cleanse thy law of it's bad actors and destroy all racist trolls. Also hated by thy tyrant Anime Sucks he has pledged thy total destruction of his followers 4 are king Tommy Parky.


OfficerAutism - Once an officer loyal 2 thy tyrant Anime Sucks he has since defected and seen thy light of Tommy Parky and pledged allegiance to his vision, swearing an oath 2 make it a reality or die trying in thy line of duty.


DetectiveVegenance - Highly dedicated officer of thy law and major player against Anime Sucks and HTF Amnesia, having over 10,000 confirmed arrests and an extensive background in detaining racist trolls he has proven 2 be a great asset 4 Tommy Parky and thy UTTP.


BigStrongACG2023 - Former member of thy Anime Sucks UTTP, reformed and converted to counter thy evil tyrant directly and has done so with much efficiency, much 2 thy pleasure of Tommy Parky himself, his duty is highly respected.


OfficerCanada - Thy original OfficerCanada from 2012, returning 2 thy modern UTTP 2 destroy more trolls he was alerted 2 thy actions of Anime Sucks and has sworn to battle against his noncery until his last breath if necessary.


OfficerAlf - Known as UTUBETROLLPOLICE SUPREME LIEUTENANT GENERAL ALF on UTube Alf returned to thy line of duty, Anime Sucks attempted 2 convert Alf 2 his side of noncery but failed and thy gardens were cleansed once again.


OfficerCarnevil - Loyal 2 thy law since 2018 and blessed by thy holy garden spirit this officer of thy law is a nightmare 2 all trolls that know his name.


OfficerBlubberman - Leader of thy UTubeTrollPolice international division, leading thy hunt 4 trolls on a global scale and bringing them 2 justice in thy high UTTP courts.


Joshua Pena - Once leading thy destruction of evil on Google Plus Joshua has since become an officer of thy law 2 destroy trolls and continue thy fight for justice and equality.

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